Q & A

  • What protocol should I follow if my student is staying home sick?
    • We all get sick- it happens! After deciding that keeping your kiddo home is the best course of action, please call the Timmons sick line at (440) 543-2822. Also, a quick email letting me know your student won’t be at school for the day is appreciated but not necessary. When your kiddo is feeling better and returns to school, I’ll work with them to have any missing assignments done in class or review it with them to complete at home.


  • What protocol should I follow if I’m taking my student out of school for a trip or event?
    • If you’re aware your student will be missing a planned few school days, please fill out a Kenston Vacation Form. These can be found outside the Timmons front office or feel free to ask me to send one home in your kiddo’s take home folder. Similar to illness situations, I’ll wait until your student returns to school to review their assignments with them before having them complete in class or complete at home.



  • How can I get ahold of a specials teacher?
    • If you need to get ahold of your student’s art, gym, library, technology or music teacher, please check the back of the take home folder. I have their names and emails listed along with the days and times they attend their specials classes. You can also look through the Timmons staff directory on Timmons’ website for a specific teacher’s email address in order to reach them directly.


  • How can I help provide needed items for the classroom?
    • Thanks so much for thinking of providing some fun extras for the class! Please check out our Amazon wish list for items to donate! I’ll update the list as we have special projects or seasonal activities arise.


  • What is the best way to support my student at home?
    • I love this question! You can best help your kiddo reinforce skills they’re learning at school by doing a few different things. The most important one is practicing reading and math skills with them every day. This could be reading for 15 minutes every night before bed or practicing math facts in the car on the way to soccer practice. Whatever way practice can weave it’s way into your family’s routine is great! Something else you can do is review assignments or projects that come home with your kiddo. They can articulate what they know and you can have a better idea of what they’re specifically working on in class.


  • Can I have another copy of our class list for birthday items/class parties?
    Juan (Carlitos)
    Elora (Ellie)
    William (Will)
    Jonathan (Johnny)

    There are 22 students total.